
This picture is from a very rare and unusual tornado in Oklahoma. November tornadoes in Oklahoma are normally low intensities, and this one reached EF4 material!

Here is a picture of areas with potential threat of tsunamis.

 Pictured here is a shot of the Reno wildfire in 2011. It happened at night and many people were forced to evacuate. Strong winds made the fires spread fast.

This year Thailand had horrible floods. This photo shows areas that were hit hard by the floods. 

Oklahoma is not usually known for earthquakes, but this year they were hit hard. The earthquake has a very large magnitude and lasted more than 30 seconds.

 Shown here is a shot of some uprooted trees in Southern California. The Santa Ana winds caused a large amount of damage because of the high winds.

  This photo is of the Ohio Valley where a storm passed through. It brought much needed water to some areas of Texas and water that was not needed to the north.
Here is a picture from the tsunami that struck Japan back in March.