Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Alaska Hit By Huge Sea Storm

A very large sea storm hit Alaska yesterday morning. Alaska is used to these types of storms, but this storm came earlier than normal and had a very large magnitude. This storm had winds between 60-80 mph, and blizzard like conditions. Usually these types of storms come after the first of December, then the shores have iced over. The iced shores are a natural protection, because it isn't cold enough to freeze, the villages near by are threatened by heavy wind and flooding. The picture above is from I thought this was a very interesting article because of the timing of the storm. Alaska was not ready for this because the shores were not iced over due to warmer weather. Alaska could see massive flooding soon, this storm could cause the sea to rise 7 feet. That's crazy! The last time they have seen this was November 1974, where the surge of the sea was over 13 feet.

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