Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Earthquakes in Oklahoma Caused By Energy Drilling?

The 5.6 magnitude quake that hit Oklahoma was under investigation. Scientists thought that it was very unusual and could be connected to the energy drilling going on. This process for energy drilling is called fracking; they pump water into the earth to release natural gas and oil. The fluid is used to break apart shale and rock, the injection wells dispose of the fluid by injecting it back into the ground. Scientists thought this was interesting because they saw small earthquakes near fracking sites but nothing ever this extreme. Another piece to their argument is how Arkansas has been having many small earthquakes too said to be caused by fracking (or injection wells).  Natural gas companies say there is no connection with the 181 injection wells and the earthquakes over the weekend. Geologists said the quakes are a real mystery but that there is no reason to think that the injection wells are causing the quakes. 

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